What is Anime Oklahoma?
Anime Oklahoma is your destination for all things Japanese pop culture!
Connect with fellow fans, meet beloved voice actors, shop from a vibrant vendor hall, and immerse yourself in a packed schedule of celebrating anime, manga cosplay, friends and more!
Where is Anime Oklahoma?
This year Anime Oklahoma will be held at Delta Hotels Midwest City at the Reed Confrence Center:
5750 Will Rodgers Rd, Midwest City, OK 73110
How much does it cost?
Weekend Pass - $80
Friday Pass - $33
Saturday Pass - $37
Sunday Pass - $25
What things do you have to do?
Anime Oklahoma will have gaming competitions, panels, voice actor signings, cosplay contest, and much more!
What are the rules?
For information on rules please click here.
How do we contact you?
To contact Anime Oklahoma please go here!
Can I dress up?
Of Course! Come as you are or in your best cosplay creation!
For more rules on cosplay go here!